
Biomaterials Translational ›› 2021, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4): 361-375.doi: 10.12336/biomatertransl.2021.04.009

• REVIEW • Previous Articles    

Experimental and computational models for tissue-engineered heart valves: a narrative review

Ge Yan, Yuqi Liu, Minghui Xie, Jiawei Shi, Weihua Qiao*(), Nianguo Dong*()   

  1. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
  • Received:2021-08-30 Revised:2021-11-26 Accepted:2021-12-03 Online:2021-12-28 Published:2021-12-28
  • Contact: Weihua Qiao,Nianguo Dong E-mail:weihua_qiao@hust.edu.cn;dongnianguo@hotmail.com
  • About author:Weihua Qiao, weihua_qiao@hust.edu.cn; Nianguo Dong, dongnianguo@hotmail.com.
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Valvular heart disease is currently a common problem which causes high morbidity and mortality worldwide. Prosthetic valve replacements are widely needed to correct narrowing or backflow through the valvular orifice. Compared to mechanical valves and biological valves, tissue-engineered heart valves can be an ideal substitute because they have a low risk of thromboembolism and calcification, and the potential for remodelling, regeneration, and growth. In order to test the performance of these heart valves, various animal models and other models are needed to optimise the structure and function of tissue-engineered heart valves, which may provide a potential mechanism responsible for substantial enhancement in tissue-engineered heart valves. Choosing the appropriate model for evaluating the performance of the tissue-engineered valve is important, as different models have their own advantages and disadvantages. In this review, we summarise the current state-of-the-art animal models, bioreactors, and computational simulation models with the aim of creating more strategies for better development of tissue-engineered heart valves. This review provides an overview of major factors that influence the selection and design of a model for tissue-engineered heart valve. Continued efforts in improving and testing models for valve regeneration remain crucial in basic science and translational researches. Future research should focus on finding the right animal model and developing better in vitro testing systems for tissue-engineered heart valve.

Key words: animal model, bioreactor, computational modelling, tissue-engineered heart valve