Biomaterials Translational ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 425-443.doi: 10.12336/biomatertransl.2024.04.007
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Jingtao Huang1,2#, Aikang Li2,3#, Rongji Liang1,2#, Xiaohao Wu4, Shicheng Jia1,2, Jiayou Chen1,2, Zilu Jiao1, Canfeng Li1,*(), Xintao Zhang1,*(
), Jianjing Lin1,*(
Jianjing Lin,;Xintao Zhang,;Canfeng Li,
About author:
# Authors equally.
Huang, J.; Li, A.; Liang, R.; Wu, X.; Jia, S.; Chen, J.; Jiao, Z.; Li, C.; Zhang, X.; Lin, J. Future perspectives: advances in bone/cartilage organoid technology and clinical potential. Biomater Transl. 2024, 5(4), 425-443.
Figure 1. Organoids constructed from mesenchymal stem cells. (A) Schematic diagram of osteochondral organoid formation and repair process by inducing differentiation and regeneration of MSCs. Reprinted from Yang et al.25 (B) The gelatin sponge loaded with BMP–2 was implanted into the inner muscle pocket near the femurs of mice to generate bone organoids. The bone organoids formed mature, exhibiting a balance between osteogenic and resorptive activity, and a stable proportion of endothelial cells and MSCs. Reprinted from Dai et al.26 (C) In vivo repair of mouse skull defect with hydrogel scaffold and schematic diagram of treatment. The hydrogel recruits many BMSCs for bone formation, further promoting the growth of new bone. Reprinted from Han et al.38 (D) LGR5–joint progenitors–based cartilage organoids for realisation of novel drug discovery, and personalised regenerative therapy of cartilage repair. Reprinted from Lin et al.39BM: bone marrow; BMP–2: bone morphogenetic protein–2; CCl4: carbon tetrachloride; CH: chondrogenic differentiation; EC: endothelial cell; GFP: green fluorescent protein; HSPC: haematopoietic stem/progenitor cell; LGR5: leucine rich repeat containing g protein–coupled receptor 5; MSC: mesenchymal stem cell; OS: chondrogenic differentiation.
Figure 2. Organoids constructed from pluripotent stem cells. (A) Bioengineering process starting with iPSCs cellular aggregation, condensation, and differentiation followed by callus organoid assembly and implantation in ectopic and orthotopic environments. Reprinted from Nilsson Hall et al.53 (B) Transplantation of cyiPS–Cart into primate knee joints. (B1) Two types of articular cartilage injuries: The left panel shows chondral lesions that reach but do not penetrate the subchondral bone. The right panel displays osteochondral lesions that extend into the subchondral bone. (B2) Experimental setup for cyiPS–Cart transplantation in primates. In cynomolgus monkeys, chondral lesions were induced on the femoral trochlear ridge of the right knee. The experimental group received cyiPS–Cart transplants, while the control group was left untreated. Reprinted from Abe et al.52 (C) IL–1β promotes bone regeneration in callus–like organoids derived from human PSCs. In summary, our research suggests that IL–1β enhances bone healing, possibly by boosting the breakdown of cartilage matrix via matrix metalloproteinase 13). Reprinted from Tam et al.49 BMP: bone morphogenetic protein; cyiPS–Cart: cynomolgus monkey iPSC–derived cartilage organoid; GAG: glycosaminoglycan; IL–1β: interleukin–1β; iPSC: induced PSC; PSC: pluripotent stem cell; TH: tyrosine hydroxylase.
Figure 3. Organoids constructed from other cells. (A) A comprehensive illustration of the 3D mcBOM matrix creation process is outlined as (A1) A comprehensive view of the in vitro model is presented, encapsulating the key developmental points and interventions. (A2) A dorsal cartoon diagram is provided, depicting the 3D bone culture setup. (A3) A lateral cartoon diagram is included, offering another perspective on the 3D bone culture. Reprinted from Fuller et al.60 (B) Human osteocyte constructs demonstrate mineralisation and maintain high viability over 20 weeks. (B1) When human osteoblasts are seeded into fibrin/thrombin gels, they cause the gel to contract between the posts, resulting in a noticeable thickening over time. (B2) Representative micro–CT reconstructions from two different donors are shown after a 20–week differentiation period in osteogenic media. Reprinted from Knowles et al.63 (C) The micro–trabeculae, which are naturally highly electrostatic (left), were utilised for their ability to be integrated into liquid cell suspension droplets (right), thereby creating miniaturised bone avatars. (C1, 2) A hanging–drop culture system was employed to suspend the trabeculae along with primary female bone effector cells, guiding their attachment to the trabecular surface via gravitational sedimentation. (C3) The cultures were maintained for 48 hours to optimize cell surface colonisation and self–organisation. In scenarios devoid of bone scaffolds, osteoblasts interact directly to form spheroids (left). However, when a trabecula is present, these cells effectively colonize the surface and exhibit osteogenic characteristics (right). (C4) Furthermore, primary female osteoclast precursors can individually adhere and when co–cultured with osteoblasts, they form a comprehensive remodelling unit. Their presence on the trabeculae can be discerned, as the nuclei of osteoblasts are larger compared to those of osteoclasts. Reprinted from Iordachescu et al.61 3D: three–dimensional; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; CT: computed tomography; CTX1: type 1 collagen cross–linked C telopeptide; H. Osteoclast prec.: human osteoclast precursors; mcBOM: murine–cell–derived bone organoid model; OB: osteoblast; OC: osteoclast; PBS: phosphate–buffered saline.
Figure 4. Organoids constructed from natural materials. (A) Fabrication of 3D printed Alg/Gel/GelMA–based cell–laden scaffolds. Reprinted from Shehzad et al.77 (B) A schematic overview of the process for collecting and evaluating HSPCs from osteo–organoids in mice, induced by implanting freeze–dried gelatin scaffolds loaded with BMP–2 alone or in combination with SCS or SCOS, involves implanting these scaffolds into the muscle of the lower limbs, allowing them to incubate for three weeks, and then explanted the resulting osteo–organoids for further analysis. Reprinted from Dai et al.84 (C) Microscopic observation and cytocompatibility analysis of control microcryogels, CH–microcryogels, and OS–microcryogels. (C1) Schematic of fabricating customised microcryogels. (C2) Gross observation of self–assembled osteochondral organoids. The self–assembled osteochondral organoid was incised in the axial position to allow separate analysis of the chondrogenic and osteogenic components. Reprinted from Yang et al.25 (D) Biocompatibility of bioprinted BMSCs–laden GelMA, GelMA/AlgMA bioprinted scaffolds, and GelMA/AlgMA/HYP scaffolds. Reprinted from Wang et al.88 Copyright 2024 Wiley‐VCH GmbH. (E) Generating miR–24 transfected SMSC organoids for anti–senescence and pro–chondrogenesis. Fabrication of senescence–targeted miR–24 μS/SMSC organoid hydrogel for potential applications in chondrogenesis and further cartilage repair treatment. (F) Schematic illustration of the study design with 3D cultured SMSC organoids for cartilage damage treatment by intra–articular injection in rats. Reprinted from Sun et al.89 3D: three–dimensional; Alg: alginate; AlgMA: Alg methacrylate; BMP–2: bone morphogenetic protein–2; BMSC: bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell; CH: chondrogenic differentiation; CM: collagen microbead; DMSO: dimethyl sulfoxide; EC: endothelial cell; EDC: 1–ethyl–3–(3–dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide; GA: glutaraldehyde; Gel gelatin; GelMA: Gel methacrylate; HA: hyaluronic acid; HSC: haematopoietic stem cell; HSPC: haematopoietic stem/progenitor cell; HYP: hydroxyapatite; MSOH: miR–24 PLGA μS/SMSC organoid hydrogel; OS: chondrogenic differentiation; PLGA: poly (lactic–co–glycolic acid); SCOS: sulfonated chito–oligosaccharide; SCS: sulfonated chitosan; SMSC: synovial mesenchymal stem cell; UV: ultraviolet; μCT: micro–computed tomography; μS: microspheres.
Figure 5. Organoids constructed by artificial materials. (A) Fabrication and function of hydrogel with tubular pores. Reprinted from Xiahou et al.24 Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society. (B) A schematic depiction of the dual siRNA–loaded cell membrane–coated scaffolds showcases their role in enhancing bone regeneration through the concurrent stimulation of angiogenesis and neurogenesis. These gene–regulating matrices can modulate the expression of genes associated with blood vessels and nerves, and they enhance the paracrine activity of both vascular and nerve growth factors in vitro. By leveraging the synergistic effects of angiogenesis and neurogenesis, the bone repair scaffold not only ameliorates the microenvironment of bone defects but also facilitates the restoration and integration of bone tissue. Reprinted from Qiao et al.79 Copyright 2023 Wiley‐VCH GmbH(C) Fabrication of a highly intricate bone ECM analog using a novel bioink composed of GelMA/AlgMA/HYP. Reprinted from Wang et al.88 Copyright 2024 Wiley–VCH GmbH. (D) (D1) 3D bioprinting processes. (D2) Ca2+ crosslinking post–bioprinting. (D) Section view to show the position of the 3D cell–laden construct in the compression bioreactor. Adapted from Zhang et al.110 3D: three–dimensional; AlgMA: alginate methacrylate; ASC: adult stem cell; BDNF: brain–derived neurotrophic factor; ECM: extracellular matrix; FGF: fibroblast growth factor: GelMA: gelatin methacrylate; GFAP: glial fibrillary acidic protein; GO: graphene oxide; hMSC: human mesenchymal stem cell; HYP: hydroxyapatite; MM: membrane; OC: osteoclast; OPN: osteopontin; p75NTR: p75 neurotrophic factor receptor; PCL: polycaprolactone; PLA: polylactic acid; sFlt–1: soluble fms–like tyrosine kinase–1; siRNA: small interfering RNA; TGF: transforming growth factor; Tuj1: neuron–specific class III beta–tubulin; UV: ultraviolet; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor; β–NGF: β–nerve growth factor.
Figure 6. Cartilage–on chip design, operation, and characterisation. (A) A diagrammatic representation of the knee joint is provided. (B) The design of the cartilage–on–chip device is outlined, emphasising its key components. (C) A top–down view of the cartilage–on–chip device, utilising food dyes for clarity – the actuation unit is coloured blue, the cell–hydrogel chamber is red, and the perfusion channel is yellow. (D) A side view of the joint in motion, illustrating the creation of multi directional mechanical stimulation (shear strain indicated by green arrows and compression by blue arrows). (E1–3) A top–down view of the cartilage–on–chip device filled with human chondrocytes in agarose and subjected to a sequence that induces multi–directional mechanical stimulation. Red Arrows indicate the deposition of a thin extracellular matrix shell (1–5 μm) and intercellular matrix around three–dimensional–cultured chondrocytes under multi–directional mechanical stimulation. Blue arrows represent compression, while green arrows indicate shear strain. Adapted from Paggi et al.128
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