Biomaterials Translational ›› 2020, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 82-88.doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-112X.2020.01.008
• RESEARCH ARTICLE • Previous Articles Next Articles
Fujian Zhao1, Zhen Yang2,3, Lu Liu2,3, Dafu Chen4, Longquan Shao1,*(), Xiaofeng Chen2,3,*(
Longquan Shao,Xiaofeng Chen;
Zhao, F.; Yang, Z.; Liu, L.; Chen, D.; Shao, L.; Chen, X. Design and evaluation of a novel sub-scaffold dental implant system based on the osteoinduction of micro-nano bioactive glass. Biomater Transl. 2020, 1(1), 82-88.
Figure 1. Composition and characterization of the SDIS. (A) A CAD model of the metal implant which consists of two parts: a denture connection part and a fixation part. (B) Digital photos of the two opposite surfaces of the metal implant, created by the SLM process. (C) SEM image of the metal implant. (D) Digital photo of the SDIS created by assembling the metal implant and MNBG scaffold together. (E) SEM image of the MNBG scaffold. Scale bars: 2 mm in B and D, 20 μm in C, 200 μm in E, 400 nm in enlarge part. CAD: computer-aided design; MNBG: micro-nano bioactive glass; SDIS: scaffold dental implant system; SEM: scanning electron microscopy; SLM: selective laser melting.
Figure 2. (A) Surgical placement of the SDIS implanted into the sub-epicranial aponeurosis; (B) Digital image of the repair effect and (insert) close-up of the top view; (C) Schematic illustration of the SDIS: the centre hole of the metal implant and the denture are joined together by a connecting rod. SDIS: scaffold dental implant system.
Figure 3. (A) Digital photo of the reparative effect. (B) Residual SDIS and surrounding bone tissue at week 6. (C) Micro-CT analysis of 3-dimensional reconstructed images of SDIS and surrounding tissue after implantation for 6 weeks. A magnified image of the join between implant and bone, showed good integration. Pink indicates residual bioactive glass scaffold, blue indicates the metal implant, and yellow indicates the skull. SDIS: scaffold dental implant system.
Figure 4. Histological analysis of the MNBG scaffolds and cortical bone after Masson’s trichrome staining. (A, C) Centre and edge areas. (B) Area between edge and centre, as shown in the schematic diagram. The yellow boxes show the areas which are enlarged below. The yellow arrows indicate osteoblasts and the red arrow indicates an osteocyte. Scale bars: 200 μm (upper panel), 50 μm (lower panel). CB: cortical bone; CF: collagen fibres; LB: pre-lamellar bone; MNBG: micro-nano bioactive glass; RS: residual scaffolds.
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