For Authors
Instruction for Research Article
1. A Research Article is a novel research study of outstanding significance. The main text (which excludes the Abstract, References and figure legends) typically contains 3,000–5,000words. Articles can have up to 12 display items (graphics). As a guideline, the maximum length of the title is 130 characters, including spaces.
2. The Abstract is limited to 500 words and is unstructured; it contains a brief account of the background and rationale of the work, followed by a statement of the main conclusions. The graphical abstract should summarize the contents of the article in a concise, pictorial form designed to capture the attention of a wide readership.
3. An Introduction (without heading) of referenced text expands on the background of the work, and is followed by a concise, focused account of the findings and their analysis.
4. Methods should contain a brief description of the methods/techniques used.
5. The results and their discussion can be divided in two sections (under the headings 'Results' and 'Discussion'), or organized in several non-nested sections. Section titles should not exceed 60 characters, including spaces.
6. Supplementary information sections include Author contributions, Financial support, Acknowledgement, Conflicts of interests statement, and Data sharing statement.
7. References should be ordered according to citations numbers first appearing in the main text, tables and figure captions, in this order. References to the literature are cited by superscript number at appropriate locations in the text. Each numbered reference may contain only one literature citation.
For journals (include article titles):
Shi, Y.; He, R.; Deng, X.;Shao, Z.; Deganello, D.; Yan, C.; Xia,. Three-dimensional biofabrication of an aragoniteenriched self-hardening bone graft substitute and assessment of its osteogenicity in vitro and in vivo. Biomater Transl. 2020, 1(1), 69-81.
For books:
Craighead, H. G. Nanostructures in Electronics. In Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications; Edelstein, A., Cammatata, R., Eds.; Taylor and Francis: New York, 1998; pp 565–566.
References must list all the authors. Titles of journals are abbreviated according to NLM Catalog ( Papers accepted for publication are cited as “in press”; the DOI should be given if the paper is published online. Cite papers that are in preparation or have been submitted but not yet accepted in the text, not in the References list, as unpublished experiments or personal communications.
Pubdate: 2020-10-29