For Authors
Samples for Research Article
TITLE (Times New Roman, 22 pt, 1.5 line space) The title should accurately, clearly, and concisely reflect the emphasis and content of the paper. The title must be brief and grammatically correct
AUTHOR NAMES (Times New Roman, Italic, 10 pt). Use first names, initials, and surnames (e.g., Mark R. Adams) or first initials, second names, and surnames (e.g., M. Roger Adams). Do not include professional or official titles or academic degrees. At least one author must be designated with an asterisk as the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
AUTHOR ADDRESS (Times New Roman, 10 pt). The affiliation should be the institution where the work was conducted. If the present address of an author differs from that at which the work was done, indicate with a symbol and give the Present Address under Author Information. If more than one address, use letters to match author
Corresponding Author (Word Style “Times New Roman, 10 pt”): Give contact email(s) for the author(s) to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Author Equally (Word Style “Times New Roman, 10 pt”): Both/These authors contributed equally to the writing of this article. (match statement to author names with a symbol)
Present Addresses (Word Style “Times New Roman, 10 pt”): If an author’s address is different than the one given in the affiliation line, this information may be included here.
ABSTRACT (Times New Roman, 12 pt). All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract. The abstract should briefly state the problem or purpose of the research, indicate the theoretical or experimental plan used, summarize the principal findings, and point out major conclusions. Abstract length is one paragraph. The graphical abstract should summarize the contents of the article in a concise, pictorial form designed to capture the attention of a wide readership. The graphical abstract may contain chemical structures or images. Textual statements should be kept to a minimum. For ease of browsing, the graphical abstract should have a clear start and end, preferably "reading" from top to bottom or left to right. Color graphical abstracts are encouraged and will be published at no additional charge. All graphical abstracts are recommended to be submitted with a white background and imagery should fill the available width, whenever possible. Technical requirements of graphical abstract are as followed:
● Image size: 4.8 cm × 12 cm (high x wide), 300 ppi
● Font: Arial, 5-7 pt
● Line weights: 0.5-1 pt
● File type: TIFF, EPS, PDF
Authors should also provide a summary text for graphical abstract which should give readers a short preview of the main theme of the research and results included in the paper to attract their attention into reading the paper in full. The summary text should be different from the abstract and should be no more than up to 50 words (max. 450 characters including spaces).
KEYWORDS (Times New Roman, 12 pt). Provide 4-6 significant keywords to aid the reader in literature retrieval. Use semicolon to separate keywords: Key word 1; Key word 2; ... Keywords are listed in an alphabetical order.
Main TEXT (Times New Roman, 12 pt). The manuscript may include sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
Introduction: This section should briefly introduce the context of the results to be presented and should not duplicate what is contained elsewhere in the manuscript.
Methods: All articles dealing with original human or animal data must include a statement on ethics approval at the beginning of the Methods section. This paragraph must contain the following information: the name and address of the ethics committee responsible; the protocol number that was attributed by this ethics committee; the name of the Chairperson of the ethics committee (or the person who approved the protocol) and the date of approval by the ethics committee.
Results: This section should succinctly report the results of experimental studies and clinical research.
Discussion: This section should not reiterate the results but put the results in appropriate context regarding relevant literature and the importance of new observations contained in the manuscript.
FIGURE CAPTION (Times New Roman, 11 pt). Each figure must have a caption that includes the figure number and a brief description, preferably one or two sentences. The caption should immediately follow the figure with the format “Figure 1. Figure caption.” All figures must be mentioned in the text consecutively and numbered with Arabic numerals. The caption should be understandable without reference to the text. It is preferable to place the keys to symbols used in the figure in the caption, not in the artwork. Ensure that the symbols and abbreviations in the caption agree with those in the figure itself and in the text and that the figure is already sized appropriately. Figures should be supplied at the highest resolution possible for optimal clarity. Technical requirements of Figure are as followed:
● Image size: 4-18 cm wide, 300 ppi
● Font: Arial, 5-7 pt
● Line weights: 0.5-1 pt
● File type: TIFF, EPS, PDF
SCHEMES (Times New Roman, 11 pt). Chemical reactions and flow diagrams may be called schemes. Schemes may have brief titles describing their contents. The artwork for each scheme should immediately follow the scheme title. The title should follow the format “Scheme 1.Scheme Title”. All schemes must be mentioned in the text consecutively and numbered with Arabic numerals.
TABLES. Each table must have a brief (one phrase or sentence) title that describes its contents. The title should follow the format “Table 1. Table Title” (Times New Roman, 12 pt). The title should be understandable without reference to the text. Put details in footnotes, not in the title (use Times New Roman, 12 pt). Define nonstandard abbreviations in footnotes.
It should be obtained the permission from the authors and publishers for the use of quotes, illustrations, tables, and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source should be mentioned in the table footnote.
Supplementary information (Times New Roman, 12 pt). It contains Author contributions, Financial support, Acknowledgement, Conflicts of interests statement, and Data sharing statement.
Author contributions
It should provide a description of contributions made by each of authors towards the manuscript. Description should be divided in following categories, as applicable: concept, design, definition of intellectual content, literature search, clinical studies, experimental studies, data acquisition, data analysis, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, manuscript editing and manuscript review. One or more author should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole from inception to published article and should be designated as 'guarantor'.
Financial support
Any funds used to support the research of the manuscript should be placed here.
Generally the last paragraph of the paper is the place to acknowledge people, and organizations.
Conflicts of interests statement
All authors of must disclose any and all conflicts of interest they may have with publication of the manuscript or an institution or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented. Authors should also disclose conflict of interest with products that compete with those mentioned in their manuscript.
Data sharing statement
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Important, ancillary information, which is relevant to the parent article but cannot (and does not) appear in the print (or online) version of the journal. It may comprise additional tables, data sets, figures, movie files, audio clips, 3D structures, and other related nonessential multimedia files.
REFERENCES (Times New Roman, 12 pt. 1.5 line space). References are placed at the end of the manuscript. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references. Examples of the recommended format for journal articles:
For journals (include article titles):
Shi, Y.; He, R.; Deng, X.;Shao, Z.; Deganello, D.; Yan, C.; Xia,. Three-dimensional biofabrication of an aragoniteenriched self-hardening bone graft substitute and assessment of its osteogenicity in vitro and in vivo. Biomater Transl. 2020, 1(1), 69-81.
For books:
Craighead, H. G. Nanostructures in Electronics. In Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications; Edelstein, A., Cammatata, R., Eds.; Taylor and Francis: New York, 1998; pp 565–566.
References must list all the authors. Titles of journals are abbreviated according to NLM Catalog ( Papers accepted for publication are cited as “in press”; the DOI should be given if the paper is published online. Cite papers that are in preparation or have been submitted but not yet accepted in the text, not in the References list, as unpublished experiments or personal communications. Please download it from EndNote.
Pubdate: 2020-10-27