Biomaterials Translational ›› 2021, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3): 236-247.doi: 10.12336/biomatertransl.2021.03.06
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Jialin Niu1, Hua Huang1, Jia Pei1, Zhaohui Jin1, Shaokang Guan2, Guangyin Yuan1,*()
Guangyin Yuan
About author:
Guangyin Yuan,, J.; Huang, H.; Pei, J.; Jin, Z.; Guan, S.; Yuan, G. Research and development strategy for biodegradable magnesium-based vascular stents: a review. Biomater Transl. 2021, 2(3), 236-247.
Alloying Element | Chemical symbol | Biocompatibility | Reference |
Calcium | Ca | The essential element and the most abundant cation in the human body. Ca mainly exists in bones and teeth, and is regulated and metabolised through the kidney and intestine. | |
Zinc | Zn | Zn is a trace element with a concentration of 12.4-17.4 µM in serum. Zn plays an important role in the immune system, bone and cartilage, and participates in the metabolism of nucleic acids and energy. Excessive Zn is neurotoxic and could lead to hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases. | |
Aluminium | Al | The normal concentration of Al in human serum is 2.1-4.8 g/L. Al has potential neurotoxicity and could trigger Alzheimer’s disease. | |
Manganese | Mn | Mn is one of the essential trace elements in the human body, and participates in the synthesis and metabolism of lipids, amino acids and sugars, while also playing an important role in the immune system, bone growth, coagulation function and neurotransmission. Excessive Mn content is neurotoxic, leading to manganese poisoning, body disorders, Parkinson's disease and myocardial infarction. | |
Strontium | Sr | Sr is a trace element in the human body that is mainly present in bone and teeth. Sr promotes bone formation, inhibits bone resorption, and improves bone strength and density. | |
Rare earth | NA | Y, Gd, Nd, Dy and Eu show low cytotoxicity, while La and Ce inhibit cell activity. The mechanism of their toxicity remains to be studied. | |
Zirconium | Zr | No toxicity or carcinogenicity. Zr is a commonly-used dental and joint replacement material in the clinic. | |
Silicon | Si | Si is the third most abundant trace element in the human body, and is present in bone, skin, blood vessels and other tissues. Lack of Si affects the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and collagen, leading to disorders including bone deformity and tooth dysplasia. |
Table 1 A brief summary of the biological function of alloying elements in magnesium alloys.
Alloying Element | Chemical symbol | Biocompatibility | Reference |
Calcium | Ca | The essential element and the most abundant cation in the human body. Ca mainly exists in bones and teeth, and is regulated and metabolised through the kidney and intestine. | |
Zinc | Zn | Zn is a trace element with a concentration of 12.4-17.4 µM in serum. Zn plays an important role in the immune system, bone and cartilage, and participates in the metabolism of nucleic acids and energy. Excessive Zn is neurotoxic and could lead to hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases. | |
Aluminium | Al | The normal concentration of Al in human serum is 2.1-4.8 g/L. Al has potential neurotoxicity and could trigger Alzheimer’s disease. | |
Manganese | Mn | Mn is one of the essential trace elements in the human body, and participates in the synthesis and metabolism of lipids, amino acids and sugars, while also playing an important role in the immune system, bone growth, coagulation function and neurotransmission. Excessive Mn content is neurotoxic, leading to manganese poisoning, body disorders, Parkinson's disease and myocardial infarction. | |
Strontium | Sr | Sr is a trace element in the human body that is mainly present in bone and teeth. Sr promotes bone formation, inhibits bone resorption, and improves bone strength and density. | |
Rare earth | NA | Y, Gd, Nd, Dy and Eu show low cytotoxicity, while La and Ce inhibit cell activity. The mechanism of their toxicity remains to be studied. | |
Zirconium | Zr | No toxicity or carcinogenicity. Zr is a commonly-used dental and joint replacement material in the clinic. | |
Silicon | Si | Si is the third most abundant trace element in the human body, and is present in bone, skin, blood vessels and other tissues. Lack of Si affects the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and collagen, leading to disorders including bone deformity and tooth dysplasia. |
Figure 2. GSFE data show that the alloying element Nd plays essentials roles in basal (A) and non-basal (B) <a> slips. GSFE: generalized stacking fault energy; Nd: neodymium; NEB: nudged elastic band.
Figure 3. Fracture surface morphology of tensile samples of (A) Mg-Nd-Zr and (B) Mg-Nd-Zr-0.2Zn. Parallel slip lines show the basal slip, while wave slip lines indicate the non-basal slip. Scale bars: 20 μm. Reprinted from Fu et al.73 Copyright with Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Figure 4. Surface morphology and schematic diagram of the degradation of JDBM (A, B), WE43 (C, D) and AZ31 (E, F) alloys. The surface of JDBM sample is uniformly distributed with nano-sized corrosion pits, while WE43 and AZ31 alloys show excessive localized corrosion with macroscopic pitting or delamination. Scale bars: 20 μm. JDBM: Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy. Reprinted with permission from Mao et al.44 Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society.
Figure 5. (A) Photographs of as-extruded bar, hollow billets and as-extruded microtubes. (B, C) Optical microstructure of as-extruded bar (B) and microtubes (C) of JDBM alloy. The average grain size of as-extruded bar is 14 μm, while that of as-extruded microtubes is about 2 μm. Scale bars: 10 μm. JDBM: Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy. Reprinted from Lu et al.81 Copyright 2019, with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 6. Simulated of the maximum principal stress distribution during expansion process and the experimental validation for SIN stent (A, B) and OPT stent (C, D). During the expansion process, the “dog bone effect” of SIN stent lasts longer than OPT stent, and is more likely to cause local stress concentration. At 3 atm (1 atm = 101.325 kPa) of the balloon pressure, the maximum principal stress of SIN stent is 308.1 MPa, which is 15.7% higher than that of OPT stent. The finite element simulated result is consistent with the experimental observation. Scale bars: 1 mm. OPT: optimized; SIN: sine-wave. Reprinted from Chen et al.92 Copyright 2019, with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 7. Quantitative coronary angiography and OCT result at 3 months post-operation. (A, B) Angiography shows the location of the stent. B is the enlargement of the box in A. (C) The lumen diameter along the iliac artery. The horizontal axis is the distance along the iliac artery, and vertical axis is the lumen diameter. (D-F) The OCT images. OCT: optical coherence tomography; D: distal; P: proximal. Reprinted from Chen et al.92 Copyright 2019, with permission from Elsevier.
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